Sexual and emotional healing through Tantric touch

When one started on a tantric journey; making new connections with body, mind and soul, it is common to unearth strong – perhaps long repressed – emotions.

While this reaction can come as a shock, it is a fantastic opportunity to heal these old wounds and release all that pent up energy.

Traumatic events can imprint themselves not just in the brain, but also in the body, through the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. Sensual massage’s touch can stimulate neurotransmitters and hormones, reawakening these chemical memories.

the healing sensual massage touch...

the healing sensual massage touch…

Sometimes emotional trauma manifests itself as physical pain, and this may even be the reason the client is seeking the sensual massage.

During my career as a massage therapist, I’ve often witnessed my clients experience emotional release while receiving treatments. They might cry out or even break down in tears, and it’s something all Secret massage therapists are trained to deal with.

Massage ‘therapy’ is just that – therapeutic healing of physical and mental stress through touch, which is why providing a caring, supportive and loving environment for our clients is central to the Secret Massage’s philosophy.

In Tantra, we are encouraged to honour our past, find our inner truth and treat ourselves with loving compassion. The soothing, loving, and nurturing aspects of Tantra can provide an authentic recovery process to anyone who’s experienced emotional pain or trauma.

Many clients have experienced sexual trauma; perhaps they were taught that sex was ‘bad’ or dirty’ or maybe they were told they were a ‘bad lover’. Tantric bodywork is an ideal way to overcome sexual dysfunction or inhibitions. Tantric massage promotes sexual healing, treating body and mind as one and helping people achieve fulfilling love lives. We offer tantric massages at Sydney for men, women and couples and are happy to come to your home or other outcall location, where you will feel most comfortable. See ‘Massages’ for further details.

by Anna, Tantra goddess


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