What is a Tantric Massage & Where can you get one?

You’ve probably heard a lot about Intimate Tantric Massage in Sydney over the past few years and are wondering “what exactly is a Tantric Massage?” Well, before we answer that question, let’s find out what Tantric means.

Tantric comes from the word Tantra, which is a Hindu/Buddhist scripture that deals with various techniques and rituals, including meditative and sexual practices. According to Chandra Mohan Jain (Osho), “Tantra is primarily about uniting love, spirituality and sexuality with consciousness.

The primary aim of a tantric massage is to achieve growth through pleasurable and physical touch. It allows you to feel your body being touched and sexually aroused. Think of tantric massage as an overall development of your body and mind, helping you to increase your energy and vitality.

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Tantric massage is a very different experience from other erotic massages. It involves a hot towel and warm oil being applied to your body and the masseuse using her body to massage you. This is a nude massage, so you and your masseuse are usually not wearing any clothes and are massage each other all over. This type of intimate massage works to awaken the erotic energy and spread it throughout your body.

At the beginning of a tantric massage, the masseuse will start by massaging your head, feet and trapezes to help you relax and release tension. Hot towels and oils are then used to take you into a deep and intense body sensation. The ultimate pleasure of a tantric massage is when the masseuse uses warm oil and body contact to massage every inch of your body. (Read about how tantric massage help to prolong your pleasure )

Soon the masseuse will be approaching your private parts. Intimate massage is an important part of any tantric massage. You will find that there is no shame in this and all you want is to feel the masseuse’s hands and this is where you realise what Tantra is. Energy flows through your body from head to toe. You slowly lose yourself in time and space and your body is full of energy that nourishes and heals you.


At the very end of this tantric experience you can lie down for a while, close your eyes and let the experience sink in. You are welcome to talk to your masseuse about your experience and how you felt during your tantric session.


Now you may be wondering about Tantra and how powerful and sensational it is, but is it real? Or what does science have to say about it?

In a test conducted by the Technical University of Denmark in 2015, scientists discovered that a trained masseuse can influence another person’s brain activity and induce deep states of relaxation, sexual arousal and orgasm. These abilities can be mastered by putting tantric energy knowledge into practice.

Where can you get a tantric massage: Explore the Secret of Sydney

According to Google trend data, the demand for tantric massage in the Australia, and particularly in Sydney, has increased significantly in recent years. The number of tantric massage agencies has also increased. Unfortunately, many of them are non-professional and you should be careful when choosing your agency.

Secret Adult Massage Sydney is one of the leading tantric massage agencies in Sydney and we offer a variety of erotic massages to suit your needs. Our masseuses have advanced knowledge of Tantra and you will have a unique, sensual and unforgettable experience like never before!

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