Frequently Asked Questions of Tantra sessions

By Dora from Top Sensuous, about Tantra massage and what would happen during the session.  Original posted on Dora’s own page. We think she is really talented and she wrote out what we always wanted to explain to our client, so I personally ask Dora and got her permision to post at our website. Hope it could give you some idea about tantra massage as a service.

Q: What is Tantra massage?

A: Tantra massage is a body of information that comes from ancient India during a period of time when people understood the power of sexuality and regarded their sexual energy as just another powerful force to be used in daily life. It was just as important during those times to be versed in that art as it was to be good at your career, to raise children, play sports, or to go to church. The techniques I use help people to integrate their sexuality with the rest of life, so the sexual aspect is no longer something to be ashamed of but a force to heal yourself and bring more creative, spiritual, sensual, magical energy to your daily life.

Sydney tantra massage faqs

Sydney tantra massage faqs

Q: How many sessions will I need and how often should I come in?

A: There is no set number of sessions that you should have. You will learn techniques that will benefit you and that you can incorporate in to your life after the very first session. It depends on you personally. I don’t ever tell people they have to come a certain number of times. Some people experience it out of curiosity and find they love it, but it isn’t a path for everyone. I love my dedicated students, they become my teachers and friends. It always has to be people who are committed to transformation and open to really experience all of life’s emotions. Some clients come every week, because they really get the value of this work, and they want to be masters.
I have a few clients that I’ve been seeing for years and years. Those are the relationships that are especially wonderful, because we are truly learning from each other and watching tremendous growth take place, both in us individually and as a Tantric love team.

Q: Is this counseling?

A: Counseling only addresses one level the mind. You can go around in your head all day and you will still have the same issues, all you will get is maybe a better understanding of them. This works on a body and spiritual level as well as the mental. So it addresses the physical imprints, and communicates directly with your soul to find out what action needs to occur in order for a healing to happen, as well as finding out how to support that opening after the revelation.

Q:Is this full service (Sex)?

A: I am not a gas station. And I don’t make any promises to people as far as what is or isn’t going to happen during a session, because I honestly never know. Each session is different because I tune into each person’s body to find what their individual needs are, which can often be very different from what their expectations are.
I’m interested in working with people who have open minds and can release their self limiting picturess. Tantra is about sharing love and energy without goals or agendas. I do what feels good and appropriate to me for each individual session, and I can’t say what that looks like until afterwards.

Q: What do you wear during a session?

A: I have no hang ups about my body. I may in various states. Either topless or nude or in sensual clothing, a bra and sarong. Again, I just go by my intuition, and what feels appropriate.

Q: Should I work with several different goddesses or should I just stick with one?

A: There are definitely advantages to both. Working with several massage teachers and attending a variety of workshops and events gives you a broader perspective of what Tantra really is. Every single teacher I have studied with has a completely different approach and focus and a unique way of presenting it. When you find a teacher you like you’ll want to stick with her because there is a depth and richness in the intimacy that is an essential part of Tantra. If you find yourself wanting to flit around to lots and lots of different Goddesses, it could be because you don’t feel you are ready for that level of deep connection.

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